About the Smith Society

The Smith Society is a volunteer organization serving UC Santa Cruz students who grew up in foster care or otherwise without traditional family support. Founded in 1999, it is based in UCSC’s Cowell College and is entirely funded by private donations.

The society is distinguished by its culture of shared values across generations. It was the first program of its kind in the University of California System.

Hundreds of remarkable students have received financial and emotional support—and reassurance that their dreams matter—through the Smith Society.


Our founding

The Smith Society was founded by Bill Dickinson (Cowell ’68). Bill grew up in an orphanage and foster homes, and went out on his own when he was sixteen. He was one of the first students to arrive on the new UC Santa Cruz campus in 1965.

He credits the pioneering spirit of those early years and the gracious quality of the Cowell College community with teaching him to have a vision for his life and preparing him to pursue it.

Bill Dickinson


Our volunteer leadership team manages programs, events, mentor matches,
scholarships, fundraising, and sustainability.

Amy Hamel
UCSC Smith Society Student Adviser (retired)

Chamonix Toledo
Oakes ’23
Smith Society Alumna
UCSC Graduate Fellow in Coastal Science and Policy

Cheryl Jones
Founding Smith Society member
UCSC Financial Aid Officer (retired)

Daniel Davis
Rachel Carson ’22
Smith Society Alumnus

Laura Lacey Caldwell
Cowell ’69
UCSC Pioneer Class member
Educational leader (retired)

Lorraine Sintetos
Cowell ’69

Robert Ocampo
Merrill ’75
Educator, Trustee Alisal Union School District

Sandra Ocampo
Trustee Monterey County Office of Education

Stephen Marino
Cowell ’82
Technology writer and inveterate photographer

Susan Seaburg
Community member

Susan Schenck
Educator and partnership specialist

Bill Dickinson
Cowell ’68
Member emeritus
Founder of the Smith Society


Your support as a Smith Society donor, mentor, or other volunteer is vital to its future.

The needs of students have not lessened in the decades since its founding in 1999. To sustain our mission, the service of our leadership team must be interwoven with the energy and ideas of new generations.

If you are inspired to engage in the success of students striving for fulfillment and happiness in their lives despite past trauma, the Smith Society is a shining opportunity.

We invite you to join us at an upcoming event where you will see the power of connecting across generations to foster great expectations.

To add your name to our mailing list, send a note with your name and email to smithsociety@ucsc.edu. No obligation, but as you learn more, we think you will find our mission hard to resist!


We would love to hear from you!

Let us know if you would like to volunteer … be a mentor … become a Smith Society student … make a gift … join a mailing list … learn more!

Our email address is smithsociety@ucsc.edu

You can also write to us at:
The Smith Society
℅ Cowell College
UC Santa Cruz
1156 High Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95064

Last modified: Jan 13, 2024