The Smith Society is entirely funded by private donations. Please be a part of the mission, and give now to support scholarships and operations.
Support Scholarships
Page and Eloise Smith Society Scholarship Fund
Provides direct annual funding for scholarships and internships
Page and Eloise Smith Society Scholarship Endowment
Provides long-term support for scholarships and internships through an income-generating investment fund
Support Operations
Smith Society Operating Fund
Provides direct annual funding for programs and events
Cheryl Jones–Amy Hamel Operations Endowment
Provides long-term support for programs and events through an income-generating investment fund
Other Gifts
If you are considering a major gift such as a property or bequest, please let us know in person or with a note to We will connect you with a Smith leadership team member and UC Santa Cruz Development Officer to ensure your gift supports the programs and students you care most deeply about.